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Sweet Science: 5 Fun Experiments Kids Can Do With Candy

At home STEAM fun!

By Jenny Sites, publisher of Macaroni KID Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania-Stafford, Va. November 12, 2023

Looking for something fun to do with the kids? 

Add a dash of sweetness and science to your family fun time with these five candy experiments. From creating rainbow art to testing the limits of candy towers to diving into expanding gummies, these hands-on activities will keep everyone entertained while learning something new. So, grab your favorite treats, and let's embark on a candy-filled STEAM adventure!

Nicholas J. Klein | Canva

1. Rainbow Candy Fun

Place a flattened coffee filter on a plate. Arrange different colored shelled candy (Skittles works great) in a circular pattern on top of the coffee filter. Carefully pour water into the center of the coffee filter and observe what happens. The water will start to move towards the candies. As the water makes contact with the candies, watch as the vibrant colors begin to spread and blend, creating a fascinating visual display. 

You can skip the coffee filter for this experiment if you prefer — just use a white plate instead! Just keep in mind that you won't be able to preserve the artwork once it dries. 

Arc Images | Canva

2. Tower power

How tall can your kids build a candy tower? Give them different kinds of candy and see who can build the tallest tower without it falling.  

ajafoto | Canva

3. Expanding candy

Select a variety of gummy candies and cover several in water in a shallow bowl. Allow them to soak for a few hours, and then observe and compare which candy has expanded the most. Keep at least one piece of each candy dry so you can compare.

Tanya Rozhnovskaya | Canva

4. Catapults away!

Using a spoon, rubber bands, and popsicle sticks, create a catapult to launch candy into a nearby cup. How far can you make different types of candy go?

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5. Candy graph

Empty a few different types of candy into a bowl and let each child take a handful. Then, create a graph based on the quantity and types of candies they've selected. Instead of using paper, get creative and use building blocks to create your candy graph!

Jenny Sites is the publisher of Macaroni KID Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania-Stafford, Va.